<DIV><B>Over 100 of the world's most famous and fascinating card games and tricks</B><BR/><BR/>The ultimate card-player's companion, crammed with over 300 pages of games to provide hours of engrossing entertainment playing in groups or by yourself. A tricks section provides ways to astound your friends and family with your seemingly effortless skills. Both games and tricks cater for a range of abilities so that you can progress and expand your repertoire.<BR/><BR/>Bridge, Brag, Poker, Rummy and Cribbage - all the classics are here, along with all their variations, as well as lesser known games such as Red Dog, Beleaguered Castle and Quinto. With easy-to-follow explanations for each game including their origins, rules, ranking of cards and tactics, as well as clear illustrations of sample hands, scoring systems and a full glossary of terms, you can quickly make yourself familiar with games you've never tried. Tricks include sleights and shuffling tricks, tricks with prep