<DIV> SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE!<P></P>"I wish I''d had these books as a kid. Hilarious!" -- Dav Pilkey, creator of Captain Underpants and Dog ManThey may look like Bad Guys, but these wannabe heroes are doing good deeds...whether you like it or not! This <I>New York Times</I> bestselling illustrated series is perfect for fans of Dog Man and Captain Underpants.Get ready to laugh up your lunch with the baddest bunch of do-gooders in town! Watch the fur fly in the first five hilarious installments in this bestselling series, now in one bad-to-the-bone boxed set: <I>The Bad Guys,</I><I>The Bad Guys in Mission Unpluckable</I>, <I>The Bad Guys in the Furball Strikes Back</I>, <I>The Bad Guys in Attack of the Zittens</I>, and <I>The Bad Guys in Interstellar Gas</I>. </DIV>