<p><b>Everything you know about alcohol is a lie. </b></p><p><span>Dustin Dunbar had it all. A beautiful wife, two sweet baby girls, a degree in psychology, and properties around the world—the building blocks of a nascent real estate empire. All the while, he happily believed every lie alcohol told him: </span></p><p><i>“Real men drink.” <br>“One drink won’t kill you.” <br>“You’re the life of the party.” <br>“You can’t stop.” </i></p><p>He believed these lies and many others until it was too late. Because of his addiction, he risked everything he valued most and nearly lost everyone he cared for—until he started to figure out that most of what we experience with alcohol is completely fabricated, a big lie packaged with bright lights and big names to distract us from the truth. Dunbar calls this non-reality “the alcohol matrix,” and it took him years to break out of it and finally st