One of the secrets to keeping horses sound, reducing injuries, and enabling them to reach peak performance, whatever their discipline, is careful consideration of the surfaces on which they are trained and conditioned. Intentional steps must be taken to create the ideal conditions with the biomechanics of the horse and specific demands of the sport in mind.The good news is that decades of study and millions of dollars have been put into the development of best practices at the highest levels of Western, English, and racing competition, and in this meticulously researched book, horse industry veteran Abigail Boatwright boils it all down into a set of guidelines that anyone can use to improve their ground at home. Whether you''re starting with an empty field or renovating an existing arena, the expertise Boatwright has gathered will help you make sure the riding and training space you have is the very best it can be: safe for both horse and rider, functional and correct for your chosen e