<p>Get hands-on practice in medical insurance billing and coding! Corresponding to the chapters in <i>Fordney''s Medical Insurance and Billing, 16th Edition, </i>this workbook provides realistic exercises that help you apply concepts and develop the critical thinking skills needed by insurance billing specialists. Review questions reinforce your understanding of your role and responsibilities, and assignments ask you to complete claim forms by extracting information from patient records and properly selecting procedural and diagnostic codes. Not only will you master the CMS-1500 and 837P claim forms, but you will understand each stage of an insurance claim. </p><ul><b><li>Self-study exercises</b> reinforce your understanding with matching, true/false, multiple-choice, mix and match, and fill-in-the-blank questions, as well as critical thinking assignments.</li><li><b>Key terms and abbreviations </b>at the beginning of each chapter provide a quick reference to the health insurance termi