<p><b>Get to know </b><b>WordPress with this simple and approachable reference </b> </p><p><i>WordPress For Dummies, 9th Edition</i> helps readers discover the power of the WordPress web content building tool. Web builders have created 75 million websites using WordPress and this book will show you how to add your blogs and websites to that count. </p><p><i>WordPress For Dummies, 9</i><i><sup>th</sup></i><i> Edition</i> drops you right into the fast lane to publishing your first website or blog by teaching you to: </p><p>¿ Customize a theme </p><p>¿ Create your first post </p><p>¿ Use WordPress as a content management system </p><p>¿ Work with multimedia formats </p><p>¿ Add plugins to your site </p><p>¿ Establish a publishing routine </p><p>Perfect for new bloggers, experienced bloggers converting to WordPress for the first time, and people accustomed to WordPress who want to learn more about the full potential of the technology, <i>WordPress for Dummies, 9</i><i><sup>th</sup></i><i>