<p>The <em><b>Word by Word Picture Dictionary</b></em> is the centerpiece of the complete <strong><i>Word by Word</i></strong> Vocabulary Development Program. The program¿s unique interactive methodology makes vocabulary learning come alive as a dynamic communicative experience that prepares students at all levels for success using English in everyday life.</p><p><strong>Program Highlights</strong></p><ul><li>More than <strong>4,000 vocabulary words</strong> are presented through vibrant illustrations and easy-to-use lessons.<p></p></li><li>Extensive coverage of <strong>important lifeskill competencies</strong> meets standards-based curriculum objectives.<p></p></li><li><strong>A careful research-based sequence of lessons</strong> integrates development of grammar and vocabulary skills.<p></p></li><li><strong>Expanded discussion questions</strong> encourage students to share their backgrounds, experiences, and opinions.<p></p></li><li><strong>New WordSongs Music CD</strong> included wi