<B>This powerful and insightful work offers a bold celebration of the innovative, brilliant artists reclaiming the idea of ‘women’s work’.</B><BR/> <BR/> In the history of western art, decorative and applied arts – including textiles and ceramics – have been separated from the ‘high arts’ of painting and sculpture and deemed to be more suitable for women. <B>Artists began to reclaim and redefine these materials and methods</B>, energizing them with <B>expressions of identity and imagination. </B><BR/><BR/><B><I>Women’s Work</I> tells the story of this radical change</B>, highlighting some of the modern and contemporary artists who<B> dared to defy this hierarchy</B> and who, through, experimentation and invention, transformed their medium.<BR/><BR/> The work of these women has helped underscore the ongoing <B>value of these art forms within the history of art</B>, championing ‘women’s work&r