<P>Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) is considered by most philosophers - even those who do not share his views - to be the most influential philosopher of the 20<SUP>th</SUP> century. His contributions to the philosophy of language, mind, meaning and psychology - as well as to logic, mathematics and epistemology - permanently altered the philosophical landscape, and his <EM>Tractatus Logico Philosophicus</EM> and <EM>Philosophical Investigations</EM> continue to be studied in philosophy departments around in the world. In this superb introduction and overview of Wittgenstein¿s life and work, William Child discusses:</P><P></P><UL><P><LI>Wittgenstein¿s early work, <EM>Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus</EM>, including his account of language and thought</LI><LI>Wittgenstein¿s subsequent rejection of some of the central doctrines of the <EM>Tractatus</EM></LI><LI>Wittgenstein¿s later philosophy</LI><LI>intentionality and rule-following</LI><LI>philosophy of mind and psychology in <EM>Philosop