<b><br/></b><p><b>Fully updated and authoritative reference to wind energy technology written by leading academic and industry professionals</b></p><p>The newly revised Third Edition of the <i>Wind Energy Handbook</i> delivers a fully updated treatment of key developments in wind technology since the publication of the book¿s Second Edition in 2011. The criticality of wakes within wind farms is addressed by the addition of an entirely new chapter on wake effects, including ¿engineering¿ wake models and wake control. Offshore, attention is focused for the first time on the design of floating support structures, and the new ¿PISA¿ method for monopile geotechnical design is introduced.</p><p>The coverage of blade design has been completely rewritten, with an expanded description of laminate fatigue properties and new sections on manufacturing methods, blade testing, leading-edge erosion and bend-twist coupling. These are complemented by new sections on blade add-ons and noise in the aero