Willingly to School : A History of Women's Education av Mary Cathcart Borer



<!--StartFragment--><p><spanstyle>The denial of equal educational opportunities to women is arguably oneof the great injustices in British history. In <i>Willingly to School</i>, MaryCathcart Borer charts the gradual reversal of this inequality, and therevolutionary effect it has had on social structures, from the Anglo-Saxons tothe twentieth century.<span> </span>Always mindful ofthe historical context of each period, Borer explores the significant earlyrole of the church, the opportunities afforded to royal and noble girls, theorigins of the various forms of privately and charitably funded school, and theemergence of the modern school system. Along the way, particular significantinstitutions and individuals such as Christ''s Hospital, Cheltenham LadiesCollege, the Bront¿isters and Fanny Burney

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