As Captain Scott lay freezing and starving to death on his return journey from the South Pole, he wrote with a stub of pencil his final words: ¿For God¿s sake look after our people.¿ Uppermost in his mind were the three women who would now be widows: Kathleen, his own bohemian artist wife; Oriana, the devout wife of the expedition¿s chief scientist, Ted Wilson; and Lois, the Welsh working-class wife of Petty Officer Edgar Evans.When the news came that the men were dead, they became heroes, their story filling column inches in newspapers across the world. Their widows were thrust into the limelight, forced to grieve in public view, keeping a stiff upper lip while the world praised their husbands¿ sacrifice. These three women had little in common except that their husbands had died together, but this shared experience was to shape the rest of their lives.Each experienced their loss differently, their treatment by the press and the public influenced by their class and contemporary notions