The guide pairs text from the story with probing questions and creative activities that allow teachers, counsellors, or group leaders to engage students in meaningful discussions about betrayal, envy, lies, conflict, open-mindedness, forgiveness and other issues related to friendship. This teacher and counsellor activity guide supplements the Why is Drama Always Following Me? chapter book, a thought-provoking and insightful exploration of the ups and downs of school friendships, particularly among girls. After reading the story and completing the activities, students of all ages will be empowered to:¿examine the quality of their friendships¿identify patterns of behaviour that can potentially harm their relationships¿improve their social communication skills.WHY IS DRAMA ALWAYS FOLLOWING ME? TEACHER AND COUNSELOR ACTIVITY GUIDE is the fourth title in the popular Navigating Friendship book series by school counselor and award-winning author Jennifer Licate. The series features chapter bo