<b>A girl follows clues that lead to Mommy! This Level D book is perfect for new readers.</b><br><br><b>Where is Mommy?</b><br><b>Here are her slippers.</b><br><b>Here are her glasses.</b><br><br>A girl, her mother, and their cat are snuggled up on a couch and reading a book. The girl falls asleep, and when she wakes up, Mommy is gone. Where could she be?<br><br> The girl searches the house, picks up clues (including a recipe for kale and a sunhat and gardening gloves that come and go). And she figures out where Mommy is--in the garden!<br><br>Suitable for late kindergarten readers, <b>Level D</b> books feature wider vocabulary, longer sentences, andgreater variety in sentence structure than levels A, B, and C. When Level D is mastered, follow up withLevel E.<br><br>The award-winning <b>I Like to Read</b>® series focuses on guided reading levels A through G, based upon Fountas and Pinnell standards. Acclaimed author-illustrators--including winners of Caldeco