On April 25th 1915, during the First World War, the famous Anzacs landed ashore at Gallipoli. At the exact same moment, leading figures of Armenian life in the Ottoman Empire were being arrested in vast numbers. That dark day marks the simultaneous birth of a national story ¿ and the beginning of a genocide. <i>When We Dead Awaken</i> ¿ the first narrative history of the Armenian Genocide in decades ¿ draws these two landmark historical events together. James Robins explores the accounts of Anzac Prisoners of War who witnessed the genocide, the experiences of soldiers who risked their lives to defend refugees, and Australia and New Zealand¿s participation in the enormous post-war Armenian relief movement. By exploring the vital political implications of this unexplored history, <i>When We Dead Awaken</i> questions the national folklore of Australia, New Zealand, and Turkey ¿ and the mythology of Anzac Day itself.