<b>Bestselling author and TEDx speaker Jordan Gross''s <i>What Happens in Tomorrow World? </i>offers a poignant, relatable, and necessary parable for navigating uncertainty.</b><br><br><i>What Happens in Tomorrow World? </i>tells the story of Opti, Pessi, Chill, and Sage—four prizes found in a traditional arcade claw machine game, and what happens when one special player, Cayla "Catch" Alltoys, plays their game. <br><br>As Catch maneuvers the claw over, down, and around them, the four prizes face their own crisis—the possibility of what will happen when they are removed from their safe environment and thrust into the unknown "real" world. Each prize reacts in one of the four typical responses most people have to facing uncertain situations. And it is through those reactions, and subsequent actions, that they—and we—learn how our own responses to uncertainty can either help or harm ourselves, those around us, and society as a whole. <br><br>An urgently needed gui