<h2><strong>Friendship, tears, laughter and enduring love help the Harpers girls survive...</strong></h2><p><strong><u>LONDON 1917</u></strong></p><p><span>As the Americans enter the War, there is renewed energy in the war effort.</span></p><p><span>With husbands and sons fighting for freedom, the women of Harpers are left to tackle the day-to-day affairs at home and work.</span></p><p><span>With Ben Harper away, Sally fears she is being followed by a mysterious woman. Who is she and what does she want?</span></p><p><span>Maggie Gibbs collapses seriously ill in the frontline hospitals and is brought back to England close to death. Can she be saved and what does the future hold for her and her broken heart?</span></p><p><span>Marion Jackson''s fa