<p><b>A searing cultural history of the remarkable generation who transformed Ireland, from R. F. Foster</b></p><p><b><i>OBSERVER </i>BOOKS OF THE YEAR 2015</b></p><p><b><i>TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT </i>BOOKS OF THE YEAR and <i>OBSERVER </i>BOOKS OF THE YEAR 2014</b></p><p><i>Vivid Faces</i> surveys the lives and beliefs of the people who made the Irish Revolution: linked together by youth, radicalism, subversive activities, enthusiasm and love. Determined to reconstruct the world and defining themselves against their parents, they were in several senses a revolutionary generation.</p><p>The Ireland that eventually emerged bore little relation to the brave new world they had conjured up in student societies, agit-prop theatre groups, vegetarian restaurants, feminist collectives, volunteer militias, Irish-language summer schools, and radical newspaper offices. Roy Foster''s book investigates that world, and the extraordinary people who occupied it. </p><p>Looking back from old age, one