<P><EM>Vector Fields with Applications to Thermodynamics and Irreversibility</EM> is part of the series "Mathematics and Physics for Science and Technology", which combines rigorous mathematics with general physical principles to model practical engineering systems with a detailed derivation and interpretation of results. Volume V presents the mathematical theory of partial differential equations and methods of solution satisfying initial and boundary conditions, and includes applications to: acoustic, elastic, water, electromagnetic and other waves; the diffusion of heat, mass and electricity; and their interactions. This is the first book of the volume.</P><P><EM>The second book of volume V continues this book on thermodynamics, focusing on the equation of state and energy transfer processes including adiabatic, isothermal, isobaric and isochoric. These are applied to thermodynamic cycles, like the Carnot, Atkinson, Stirling and Barber-Brayton cycles, that are used in thermal devices