<b>Use this expert guide to prepare for the VCA-DCV exam</b><p><i>VCA-DCV VMware Certified Associate on vSphere Study Guide: VCAD-510</i> is a comprehensive study guide for the VMware Certified Associate ¿ Data Center Virtualization exam. Hands-on examples, real-world scenarios, and expert review questions cover the full exam blueprint, and the companion website offers a suite of tools to help you prepare for the exam including practice exams, electronic flashcards, and a glossary of key terms. In addition, the website includes videos that demonstrate how to complete the more challenging tasks. Focused on practical skills, this study guide not only prepares you for the certification exam, but also for the duties expected of a VCA.</p><p>The VMware Certified Associate-Data Center Virtualization certification targets those with limited virtualization and VMware data center technology experience, providing a springboard to the popular VMware Certified Professional-Data Center Virtualizati