<b>Covers the most common conditions seen in an out-of-hours primary care or urgent medical care setting.</b><br><br><i>Urgent and Out-of-Hours Primary Care </i>provides practical guidance on the diagnosis and management of the acute medical conditions seen most commonly in an out-of-hours setting.<ul><li>Covers over 200 acute medical conditions commonly encountered when working in an urgent and primary care setting</li><li>Colour photographs provide the reader with further important information on assessing patients presenting with acute medical conditions</li><li>Key ¿red flag¿ features are highlighted in boxes</li><li>The latest guidance and prescribing information is provided</li><li>Uses a consistent approach: each condition features discussions of presentation, assessment and management</li><li>Offers practical guidance on how to use telephone triage, video consultations and home visits effectively</li><li>Assumes access to basic diagnostic aids only</li><li>Provides differential