<p><h2><b>It''s the unicorn book you never knew you needed ... until now!</b></h2></p><p><h3>A story about friendship, acceptance and rainbow unicorn poop!</h3></p><p></p><p>Meet <b>Unicorn</b>.</p><p>With a <b>beautiful</b> mane so <b>silky smooth</b>, a <b>glittering</b> horn that <b>sparkles</b> in the sunlight and <b>perfectly pink hooves</b> that <b>shine</b> as she gallops, Unicorn is just like <b>every other unicorn</b> out there.</p><p>Except for her <b>rainbow poop</b>, of course.</p><p>Wait - haven''t you heard about her <b>rainbow poop</b>?</p><p></p><p>This fully <b>fabulous</b> picture book by Emma Adams and Katy Halford features: unicorns, rainbows, dragons, princesses, fairies, silliness, mischief and <b>RAINBOW POOP!</b></p>