<div><font>"DISUNITY"</font><br><br><font>Thesmash hit series written by <i>New York Times</i> bestselling writers ScottSnyder (<i>Wytches</i>, <i>AD: After Death</i>) and Charles Soule (<i>CurseWords</i>, the forthcoming novel <i>Anyone</i>) with art by Giuseppe Camuncoli(T<i>he Amazing Spider-Man, Darth Vader, Hellblazer</i>), newcomer LeonardoMarcello Grassi and Eisner-award winning colorist Matt Wilson (<i>The Wicked andthe Divine, Paper Girls</i>) continues!</font><br><br><font>Theintrepid explorers of the Undiscovered Country have been torn asunder by themachinations of the American overmind, Aurora. Some have landed in a strangeZone obsessed with key moments in the history of the United States, while othersare in a Zone focused on a future where America rules the entire world... andthe rest are lost, their whereabouts unknown. As Undiscovered Country passes thehalfway mark of its epic story, huge new revelations are on the way about w