<div><font>The smash hit series written by New York Timesbestselling writers Scott Snyder (Wytches, AD: After Death) and Charles Soule(Curse Words, the forthcoming novel Anyone) with art by Giuseppe Camuncoli (TheAmazing Spider-Man, Darth Vader, Hellblazer), newcomer Leonardo Marcello Grassiand Eisner-award winning colorist Matt Wilson (The Wicked and the Divine, PaperGirls) continues!</font><br><font></font><br><font>After barely escaping the deadly clutches of theDestiny Man, the expedition team has crossed over into the strange new zone of¿Unity¿ ¿ a futuristic world of gleaming technology andartificial intelligence. But will it be a safe haven for our heroes, or are theydestined to be absorbed into hive mind?!</font><br><font></font><br><font>Collects UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY#6-12</font><br></div>