<p><strong>Win the War for Your Own Integrity</strong></p><p>After Phil Robertson quoted Scripture in an interview with a national magazine, his hit show, <em>Duck Dynasty</em>, put him on “indefinite hiatus.” Phil immediately knew what had happened: he had become a target of <em>cancel culture</em>.</p><p>Since that time, Phil has spoken out against public shaming, strategic campaigns to get Bible-believing employees fired, and other tactics that are wreaking havoc in our society. In a deeply divided country, with so many bent on condemning and silencing others, Phil calls for us to carry out the unifying message of Jesus Christ.</p><p>In <em>Uncanceled</em>, Phil shares his own experiences with cancel culture as he</p><ul><li>encourages us to turn to Scripture as we navigate politics, personal conversations, and new cultural norms;</li><li>helps us see the psychological and political motivations behind silencing conservative voices;</li><li>reminds us that the goal is not