Tropical Ecosystems in the 21st Century



<p><i>Advances in Ecological Research, Volume 62</i><i>,</i> the latest release in this ongoing series, covers a long list of topics, including Monitoring tropical insects in the 21st Century, The distribution and structure of long-term and large-scale fire manipulation experiments, The Agua Salud Project: Basic and applied research informing management of tropical landscapes for the 21st century, Conservation strategies and principles for tropical forests, Assessing forest quality using satellite remote sensing data: A test case using the Sabah Biodiversity Experiment, eDNA approaches to understand the current state and future of biodiversity of the Amazonian biome: pitfalls, improvements and challenges, and much more. </p><ul><li>Provides information that relates to a thorough understanding of the field of ecology</li><li>Deals with topical and important reviews on the physiologies, populations and communities of plants and animals</li></ul>

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