<i>''The definitive guide to Britain¿s quirky and rugged islands. Islands have always had a mysterious allure ¿ Peter has managed to capture the magical essence of our old favourites and lesser known gems.'' </i>Ed StaffordIslands represent adventure, mystery, wilderness and escapism. Surrounded by water, they¿re somewhere to run away to, to be marooned on, to find a paradise¿ The British Isles includes some 194 inhabited islands (out of a total of over 6,000), ranging from remote lost worlds to famous and popular holiday spots. And <i>Treasured Islands</i> includes them all, in one enticing package. This wonderfully comprehensive and inspiring guide starts off with a Best of¿ section, highlighting the ten best islands for foodies, wildlife, adrenaline-junkies and pure escapism. Then, region by region, the author explores the UK¿s most wonderful islands, including: Shetlands, Fair Isle, Orkneys, Outer Hebrides, Inner Hebrides, Isle of ArranLindisfarne, Isle of Man, Walney IslandAnglese