Time is of the essence in the effective management of trauma patients, requiring quick evaluation, immediate lifesaving procedures, and a definitive treatment of a wide variety of injuries. Trauma Surgery Essentials: A Must-Know Guide to Emergency Management has been written and designed to provide need-to-know information in a visually appealing, easy-to-read format. Expert trauma surgeon Dr. Anil K. Srivastava has identified the essential trauma surgery facts and procedures you must know, based on authoritative textbooks, practice guidelines, and current peer-reviewed journals, and compiled all of this information into a handy guide, ideal for quick reference at the point of care. Covers the emergent evaluation and management of trauma patients, as well as the emergency management of specific injuries. Uses an easy-to-digest, bullet-point format to convey information in a way that's easy to follow and understand. Contains dozens of full-color illustrations that focus on surgical anat