<B>Barron’s <I>TOEIC Premium</I> is designed for ESL students preparing to take the Test of English for International Communication.</B><BR><BR> Test-takers will find: <BR><ul><li> Extensive practice in listening and reading comprehension skills </li><li><B>Six full-length practice tests</B> identical in format and question types to the current TOEIC with answer explanations for all questions </li><li> Topics and vocabulary most frequently seen on the actual TOEIC </li><li> Online audio for all six TOEIC listening comprehension sections </li><li> Recommendations for web-based self-study activities </li></ul><BR>  <BR><BR><B>Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entities included with the product.</B>