<P><STRONG>Winner of the 2013 American Educational Studies Association''s Critics Choice Award!</STRONG></P><P><EM>Thinking With Theory In Qualitative Research</EM> shows how to use various philosophical concepts in practices of inquiry; effectively opening up the process of data analysis in qualitative research. It uses a common data set and utilizes various theoretical perspectives through which to view the data. It challenges qualitative researchers to use theory to accomplish a rigorous, analytic reading of qualitative data. "Plugging in" the theory and the data produces a variety of readings applying various theorists and their concepts, including:</P><UL><UL><P><LI>Derrida - Deconstruction</LI><P></P><P><LI>Spivak - Postcolonial Marginality</LI><P></P><P><LI>Foucault - Power/Knowledge</LI><P></P><P><LI>Butler - Performativity </LI><P></P><P><LI>Deleuze - Desire </LI><P></P><P><LI>Barad - Material Intra-activity</LI><P></P></UL></UL><P></P><P><EM>Thinking With Theory In Qualitativ