<b><center>What’s Holding You Back?</center></b><br><br><b>Napoleon Hill’s all-time classic of successful living is a must-read—and lifetime companion—for anyone who wants to break away from depleting fears, limiting patterns, and unfinished plans to step into a life of dynamism, achievement, and true prosperity.</b><br><br>This special edition of <i>Think and Grow Rich</i> features Hill’s complete 1937 text and the definitive introduction to the teacher’s career and methods by popular voice of esotericism Mitch Horowitz.<br><br>Mitch augments the text with explorations of how to practice “sex transmutation;” the simple steps to forming your Master Mind group; a full description of Hill’s “Seventeen Laws of Success;” and more.<br><br>Hill’s landmark is a complete journey into his “philosophy of success,” whatever your aims, needs, or circumstances. <i>Think and Grow Rich </i>teaches you, first and forem