<p><strong><em>Choice Reviews</em></strong><strong>, Outstanding Academic Title</strong></p><p><strong>Techniques and systems for processing food scraps, manure, yard debris, paper, and more</strong></p><p>Turning waste into wealth sounds too good to be true, but many worm farmers are finding that vermicomposting is a reliable way to do just that. Vermicast¿a biologically active, nutrient-rich mix of earthworm castings and decomposed organic matter¿sells for $400 or more per cubic yard. Compare that to regular compost, sold at about $30 a cubic yard, and you¿ll see why vermicomposting has taken root in most countries and on every continent but Antarctica.</p><p>Vermicomposting is also one of the best sustainable solutions for organic waste management. Vermicomposting manure and crop wastes on farms improves crop yields while reducing demand for off-farm inputs. Vermicast has higher nutrient levels and lower soluble salt content than regular compost, and it improves soil aeration, poros