Working equitation is a competitive equestrian sport that originated in Europe, with the first European Championship held in 1996. It quickly gained a fanbase for its beauty and its focus on classical horsemanship ideals and developing handiness under saddle. In 2004 the World Association for Working Equitation (WAWE) was established, and today, many countries have their own national organizations for governing working equitation competitions, including the United States¿the USAWE was formed in 2020. Heralding the advent of a brand-new way to pursue and demonstrate horse-and-rider connection, working equitation competitor and trainer Ali Kermeen has written a much-needed reference for preparing both horse and rider to participate.The Working Equitation Training Manual provides a one-of-a-kind progressive training system to those new to the sport. Lessons focus on developing confidence with the obstacle phases of working equitation while incorporating dressage principles. The elements o