<I>The Wiccan Almanac </I>celebrates nature's changing energy through the seasons by celebrating eight key festival dates and the main lunar phases over twelve calendar months: Yule or the winter solstice (c. 21 dec), Imbolc (1st Feb), the spring equinox (c.21 April), Beltane (1st May), summer solstice (c. 21st June), Lammas (1 August), autumn equinox (c.21 Sept), and Samhain (31st October). By aligning with the magic of this never-ending cycle of seasonal change, whether the ebb and flow of the moon, the equinoxes, solstices and mid-season celebrations, you will not only feel balanced, nurtured and self-empowered, but discover a more authentic and natural way of living, every day.  <BR/> <BR/> With a wide range of spiritual and practical rituals, fascinating folklore, myth and nature's blessings, you can weave magic into your life at any time of the year, to feel inspired, uplifted and in harmony with the changing energies and cycles of the natural world. As you da