<B>Discover everything you need to know about mold toxicity, including how to heal from mold-related illnesses like allergies, anxiety, chronic asthma, migraines, eczema, and more.</B><BR><BR>What if the cause of your chronic health condition or your mental health challenges was lurking silently behind the walls of your home? An estimated 10 million Americans suffer from mold toxicity, and many don’t even know it.<BR><BR>In <i>The Toxic Mold Solution</i>, author Laura Linn Knight shares the most up-to-date research into mold and mold toxicity, guidance from experts in the field, case studies from families healing from mold exposure, and her own personal experiences with the devastating effects of mold. Along the way, you’ll also discover a multitude of healing tools and exercises to help you:<BR><ul><li aria-level="1" background-color:="" color:="" dir="ltr" font-variant-alternates:="" font-variant-east-asian:="" font-variant-numeric:="" new="" times="" vertical-align:="" w