<b><b>NATIONAL BESTSELLER </b>• Here is the Nobel Prize winner in her own words: a rich gathering of her most important essays and speeches, spanning four decades that "speaks to today’s social and political moment as directly as this morning’s headlines” (NPR).</b><br><br>These pages give us her searing prayer for the dead of 9/11, her Nobel lecture on the power of language, her searching meditation on Martin Luther King Jr., her heart-wrenching eulogy for James Baldwin. She looks deeply into the fault lines of culture and freedom: the foreigner, female empowerment, the press, money, “black matter(s),” human rights, the artist in society, the Afro-American presence in American literature. And she turns her incisive critical eye to her own work (<i>The Bluest Eye, Sula, Tar Baby, Jazz, Beloved,</i><i>Paradise)</i> and that of others. <br><br>An essential collection from an essential writer, <i>The Source of Self-Regard</i> shines with the literary ele