<B>Inspired by her popular <I>Wild Thing</I> podcast, journalist Laura Krantz incorporates the scientific method and her journalistic skills to determine if Bigfoot is real.</B><BR/><BR/> When journalist Laura Krantz discovered that her long-lost cousin, Grover Krantz, a distinguished anthropologist and professor at Washington State University, had devoted much of his career to the search for Bigfoot, she couldn’t quite believe it. A natural skeptic and a strong believer in facts, Krantz decided to conduct her own quest for the most famous and elusive mythical creature.<BR/><BR/><I>The Search for Sasquatch</I> takes readers through the big guy’s fun, fascinating, and complex world, posing the question: <I>Could</I> Bigfoot be out there? Exploring the gray area between myth and science, Krantz takes readers on a strange, surreal, and surprising hunt for the fabled Sasquatch—showing us how to challenge our gut assumptions and open our minds to new possibilities, to