<p>The student edition of <i>The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures </i>has been the definitive, market-leading textbook of clinical nursing skills for fifteen years. This internationally best-selling title sets the gold standard for nursing care, providing the procedures, rationale, and guidance required by pre-registration students to deliver clinically effective, patient-focused care with expertise and confidence.</p><p>With over two-hundred detailed procedures which reflect the skills required to meet <i>The Standards of Proficiency for Registered Nurses</i> (NMC 2019), this comprehensive manual presents the evidence and underlying theory alongside full-colour illustrations and a range of learning activities designed to support student nurses in clinical practice. Loved and trusted by millions, <i>The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures, Student Edition </i>continues to be a truly indispensable textbook for students, and includes coverage of patient