A first-hand exploration of how to consciously step out of your body and navigate the Quantum Akashic Field<BR/><BR/>• Details a step-by-step process of engaging extrasensory, out-of-body travel<BR/><BR/>• Examines the quantum landscape of the Akashic Field, meetings with spirit guides, and descriptions of out-of-body experiences from the author’s personal journal and from world spiritual traditions, including the Bible and the Baghavad Purana<BR/><BR/>• Explores current theories about the science of consciousness and sensory perception, including discoveries from quantum physics, and how these discoveries align with the traditional wisdom of shamans, dowsers, and mystics<BR/><BR/> Physicists have recently discovered a whole quantum-based reality, a multidimensional world where all potentials simultaneously exist. Called the Akashic Field by systems scientist Ervin Laszlo, it is the same quantum reality that mystics, shamans, and dowsers have been exploring