<b>Part of the <i>Hero Classics</i> series</b></p><p><i>¿Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are.¿</i></p><p><i>The Prince</i> is generally labelled as a cynical and overly pragmatic account of gaining and retaining political power. It is a significant deviation from the righteous meditations of Plato and Aristotle, which emphasise the goodness of human nature. Living in a harsh political climate, Machiavelli devised a more practical and true-to-life guide for leaders who cannot possibly be always good and just. For instance, he talks among other things about the importance to inflict pain all at once but distribute the rewards available gradually and in limited amounts. Besides, the idea that ¿the ends justify the means¿ had never been featured in literature so prominently and openly before. Far-fetched at first glance, Machiavelli¿s insights after some analysis starts making practical sense when every state and society need to maintain one thing ¿ stab