<B>The essential guide for decision-making when ethics are on the edge.</B><BR/> <BR/> It’s not your imagination. We’re living in a time of moral decline. Publicly, government leaders are acting against the welfare of their citizens, companies are prioritising profits over our health and our safety, and technology poses risks to society with little to no repercussions for those responsible. Personally, we struggle with how much to protect our children online, how to make informed consumer choices, and how to handle misconduct at work and at home.<BR/> <BR/> How do we move forward? Ethics are harder to understand than ever before. In <I>The Power of Ethics</I>, Susan Liautaud shows how ethics can be used to create a sea change of positive decisions than can ripple outwards to our families, communities, workplaces and the wider world, offering unprecedented opportunities for good.<BR/> <BR/> Drawing on two decades as an ethics advisor to corporations, aca