<p>The hypothetical question, “What if?” has been bandied about for years. The response—always the same. ”Impossible, never, couldn’t happen”, or “too many checks in the system.” No one could just take over The United States—or could they?</p><p>The murder of a junior senator and the investigation into that killing, by the top man in the U.S. Secret Service, becomes the pivotal point at which the mundane turns sinister. The “impossible” suddenly turns plausible. Clues, and the parties involved are as diaphanous as white smoke—faintly visible, but impossible to get a grip on.</p><p>The clock is invisible and the time keeps ticking away. Who, how, and when are frustratingly evasive questions, and additional murders yield few clues if any. Can Sam and his small team thwart a plot that has international implications? The race is deadly and the stakes are the ultimate.</p><p>Sam has only two other men he can depend on.