<p><strong>From the <em>New York Times</em> bestselling author of <em>The Plant Paradox</em> comes a guide to one-pot cooking for the whole family, with a special focus how to make the Plant Paradox program kid-friendly.<br/></strong><br/>Since the publication of <em>The Plant Paradox</em> in 2017, hundreds of thousands of people have embraced Dr. Gundry’s nutritional protocol—and experienced life-changing results. But most of Dr. Gundry’s readers aren’t cooking for themselves alone.<em>“How can I extend this way of eating to my entire family? And is it safe for my kids?”</em> are the questions he is most often asked.</p><p>In <em>The Plant Paradox Family Cookbook</em>, Dr. Gundry reassures parents as he sets the record straight, providing an overview of children’s nutritional needs and explaining how we can help our kids thrive on the Plant Paradox program—a diet low in lectins. Dr. Gundry offers shocking evidence of how the Plant Parado