The comprehensive guide to the 2024¿2025 ACT test¿including 8 genuine, full-length practice tests. The Official ACT Prep Guide 2024¿2025 book includes six authentic ACT tests¿all of which contain the optional writing test¿so you get maximum practice before your test date. These full-length practice tests are also available on the Wiley Online Platform and mobile app alongside two additional bonus tests via the PIN code inside, so you can study your official materials anytime, anywhere.* This guide provides clear explanations for every answer straight from the makers of the ACT to help you improve your understanding of each subject. You'll get: Practical tips and strategies for boosting your score on the English, math, reading, science, and (optional) writing testsEight total practice tests¿six in the book, eight online400+ online flashcards to ensure you're mastering key conceptsA customizable online test bankExpert advice on how to mentally and physically prepare for your test This ed