<P><EM>The New Psychology of Money</EM> is an accessible and engrossing analysis of our psychological relationship to money in all its forms. </P><P>Comprehensive and insightful, Adrian Furnham explores the role that money plays in a range of contexts, from the family to the high street, and asks whether the relationship is always a healthy one. Discussing how money influences what we think, what we say, and how we behave in a range of situations, the book places the dynamics of high finance and credit card culture in context with traditional attitudes towards wealth across a range of cultures, as well as how the concept of money has developed historically.</P><P>The book is split into four sections:</P><UL><B><P><LI>Understanding Money</B>. What are our attitudes to money, and how does nationality, history and religion mediate those attitudes?</LI><P></P><B><P><LI>Money in the Home</B> How do we grow up with money, and what role does it play within the family? What role does gender pl