The most quoted writer in English literary history, Shakespeares work continues to grip audiences and delight readers. His plays fill our theatres and have inspired countless films, most recently the immensely popular Romeo & Juliet starring Leondardo Di Caprio and the Oscar winning film Shakespeare in Love. Bringing together 150 of the most famous extracts from his plays, sonnets and poems, this collection offers the definitive guide to Shakespeares work. Whether you wish to philosophise over To be or not to be, stir up the emotion with Once more unto the breach dear friends, or simply enjoy the beauty of Shall I compare thee to a summers day? this is the book for you. Arranged for easy reference under the plays, the Comedies, Tragedies and Histories, and with separate sections for the sonnets and poems, the book will also contain brief notes to accompany each extract and position them within the action of the play.