<p>Appeared on Best of 2018 lists from <i>Quill & Quire</i> and the <i>Globe and Mail</i>!<br><br>¿Although the fungi are anthropomorphized with cartoon eyes and goofy grins, the research behind the book is real.¿¿<i>The Globe & Mail</i> 100 Best Books of 2018<br><br>¿Gravel turns adventures in mushroom hunting into scintillating reading material.¿¿<i>Quill & Quire</i> Best Kids¿ Books of 2018<br><br><br>Elise Gravel is back with a whimsical look at one of her family¿s most beloved pastimes: mushroom hunting! Combining her love of exploring nature with her talent for anthropomorphizing everything, she takes us on a magical tour of the forest floor and examines a handful of her favorite alien specimens up close. While the beautiful coral mushroom looks like it belongs under the sea, the peculiar <i>Lactarius indigo</i> may be better suited for outer space. From the fun-to-stomp puffballs to the prince of the stinkers¿the stinkhorn mushroom¿and the musically inclined chanterelles, Gravel