284 pages<ul><li>Clearly describes modern muscle test procedures </li><p><li>The individual aspects of each muscle are easily compared by the use of well-illustrated templated descriptions</li><p><li>A double-page spread design allows the reader a rapid, at-a-glance access to essential information </li><p><li>Muscle anatomy and function are succinctly recapped in order to facilitate a complete understanding of the relevance and applicability of the individual test</li><p><li>Classic <i>Applied Kinesiology</i> muscle tests for detecting functional abnormalities are well described along with stretch testing and post-isometric relaxation procedures for hypertonic, shortened muscles</li><p><li>The importance of postural analysis for the assessment of specific muscle dysfunction is discussed and plainly described</li><p><li>Illustrates painful spondylogenic reflex points (areas) for each muscle</li><p><li>The role of distal acupuncture points and tendinomuscular meridians in maintaining nor