This is the food and nutritional answer to mood disorders ¿ Patrick Holford, the founder of the Institute of Optimum Nutrition, praised it as ''working better than any anti-depressant''. Written by one of the most successful names in nutrient therapy, The Mood Cure shows you how you can permanently lift dark moods and emotions in less than 24 hours.Most mood problems are caused by biochemical imbalances, many of which don''t need Prozac or other drugs to cure them. Such drugs are often liberally prescribed despite the risk of side effects.Julia Ross has been working with natural nutritional solutions at her clinic in California for over 15 years ¿ and with dramatic results. She has developed an extremely successful nutritional plan using specific foods and supplements that can lift dark moods and emotions in less than 24 hours. It works by restoring the body''s natural chemical balance, thereby relieving mood-related symptoms, such as depression, PMS, stress, low self-esteem, irritabil