<p><b>An essential grief guide and recovery workbook for those who have said, "I thought I''d feel better by now."</b><br><br>Grief does not follow a timeline or a set path. It is nonlinear and messy, doubling back on itself just when you thought you were out of the woods. Those who have experienced the loss of a loved one know this unequivocally, but Western society still seems to think that grief should only last six months to a year-tops-when in fact, grief can last throughout a person''s entire life and manifest as serious mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, anger, and despair.<br><br><i>The Long Grief Journey</i>, co-written by a psychotherapist and a clinical psychologist who have both worked with grieving individuals for decades, is for the people who are past the acute pain and effects of a sudden loss and are now learning to live beyond that. It is for those who by all appearances seem to have "moved on." They''re working, carrying out their responsibilities,